Upper Charles Animal Hospital FAQs
There is no question too big or too small for our veterinary team. We have answers to some of our most common questions.
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions here
Still have questions? Call our office during our operating hours to get them answered.
What are your hours?
Saturday hours are coming soon. Stay tuned!
What type of pets do you see?
Our animal hospital sees dogs and cats.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, please call our office or request to book an appointment on our website.
What vaccines are recommended for cats?
Rabies and distemper (including rhinotracheitis/calicivirus) are core vaccines recommended for all cats. Please note that Massachusetts state law requires that all pet cats receive rabies vaccine, even if they are exclusively indoors. FeLV (leukemia) is recommended for outdoor cats.
What age should I spay or neuter my cat or dog?
We recommend spaying and neutering cats at six months old. This is also our recommendation for age to spay smaller breed dogs. Please talk to your veterinarian directly about the age of spay recommendations for large breed dogs, as there are pros and cons to spaying before heat versus after, to allow them time to grow and their growth plates to close. The age to neuter your dog depends highly on your dog’s personality and lifestyle, so please talk directly to your vet about that.
Should I give my dog or cat a flea and tick preventative year round?
Yes, fleas are fairly common and much easier to prevent versus treat once an infestation occurs. Ticks are very common and are found in the environment, even during winter months.
How can I order food, medications, and preventatives for my pet?
You can pick up your prescription medications and food at our office. Our online pharmacy will be coming soon!
What forms of payment do you accept?
Do we offer payment plans?
We recommend that clients needing payment assistance apply for CareCredit or Scratchpay. The process is easy and available online. Our animal care team can help you with any questions.
Do you offer boarding, grooming, or daycare?
No, we do not at this time.
What vaccines are recommended for dogs?
Rabies and distemper (including hepatitis/parvovirus) vaccines are core vaccines that should be administered to all dogs. Leptospirosis is recommended for dogs with any exposure to standing water. Bordetella (kennel cough) and influenza vaccines are recommended for dogs that are particularly social. Lyme is recommended for dogs that spend any time outdoors, as it is endemic in our area and spread by ticks.
Why should I spay or neuter my dog or cat?
There are a number of benefits to spaying/neutering. Some of these include decreasing overpopulation, limiting aggression, pyometra, roaming protecting, and cancer prevention.